The Light Hare’s Fur Parachute Emerger – A Fly for All Seasons? (16/02/2025)
The Light Hare’s Fur Parachute Emerger – A Fly for All Seasons? Published Sunday 16th February 2025 Written by David Collins How often do we hear, “I’ve probably caught more fish on this fly than any other” or “It’s my go-to pattern”? …
Gwent Angling Society Open Day 2023
Gwent Angling Society Open Day 2023 Following on from the success of last year’s Open Day event, we are excited to announce the launch of this year’s Gwent Angling Society Open Day. Last year’s event was a truly wonderful day for members …
Feathers and their Uses
This article shows the different characteristics of feathers used in fly tying to create flies. The video essentially deals with cock/rooster and hen feathers which are either in cape or saddle forms. Watch the video below to learn more about one of the …
The Clan Chieftain Muddler
The Clan Chieftain Muddler is a fly designed to be fished as a top dropper pattern when fishing lakes, Lochs or the Welsh Llyns for wild brown trout. It creates a disturbance either upon or just under the surface and attracts fish. The video …
The Garry Dog
This fly has been tied specifically to show some of the techniques that can be used to tie in the wing securely following the fly dressing video tutorials. Materials Hook – Ahrex double salmon size 8 Silk – Semperfli Nano Silk, white, …
Caenis – The Angler’s Curse
This pattern is a test of both patience and control. The Caenis is an up-winged fly (Ephemeroptera) and often hatches and goes through its life cycle very quickly. The insect is small but hatches in abundance and trout feed upon them avidly. …
Kate McClaren
This is a classic wild brown trout pattern for use on lochs or stillwaters, whether you are on a boat or fishing from the bank. Normally fished as a top dropper on a team of two or three flies and fished just …
Kelly Galloup’s, The Forgotten Link
Tutorial on tying a dry fly for fishing for trout and grayling. Hook: Dry Fly Hook Thread: Semperfli Nano Silk, 18/0, yellow Tails: Coq de Leon and Nature’s Spirit X-Caddis Deer, bleached Body: Super Fine Dubbing Underwing: Hareline Dubbing Sparkle Emerger Yarn, …
Casting with Ceri Jones Podcast
You’ll be pleased to hear that our Club Secretary, Mark Roberts, was recently interviewed by Ceri Jones in conjunction with the Casting with Ceri Jones podcast. To read the article in full, simply visit the Casting with Ceri Jones website, or listen …
Streamer Fishing On Rivers, by Ceri Thomas
An article by Ceri Thomas It’s well known that anglers in the USA and Europe like to fish streamers. To back this up you will often see trophy shots on Social media, complete with exotically named flies hanging from the hooked jaws …
Recent Posts
- The Light Hare’s Fur Parachute Emerger – A Fly for All Seasons? (16/02/2025)
- Fishing in Wales – River Usk at Ty Mawr, with Gwent Chair, Lee Evans
- A Season in Wales: with Charles Jardine, Gwent Angling Society Member
- Gwent Angling Society Open Day 2023
- Fish Legal – “Natural Resources Wales Accept Publicly For The First Time That Poultry Industry Is Damaging River Wye” (28/11/2022)