Fish Legal – “Natural Resources Wales Accept Publicly For The First Time That Poultry Industry Is Damaging River Wye” (28/11/2022)
The Welsh environmental regulator, Natural Resources Wales (NRW), has for the first time publicly acknowledged that diffuse pollution from the intensive poultry industry in Mid Wales is linked to damage to protected species in the River Wye SAC. In a report uncovered …
Afonydd Cymru – “NRW Acknowledge Poultry Industry Is Damaging The Wye” (29/11/2022)
Natural Resources Wales appears to have acknowledged publicly for the first time that the expansion of the poultry industry in Mid Wales has had damaging effects on the river Wye. To read the full news article, simply visit NRW Acknowledge Poultry Industry …
Legal Action Against Llynfi Polluter Hindered by Natural Resources Wales (28/11/2022)
Following our ongoing work focussing on the Afon Llynfi pollution incident, which occurred back in July 2020, to bring legal action to those responsible, Fish Legal has recently released a news item which details the challenges which both GAS and Fish Legal …
NRW Briefing Note – Salmon Red Skin Disease
Dear Member, The following briefing note has recently been received from National Resources Wales and should be read with importance. NRW Briefing Note: 1st July 2021 Issue There have recently been reports of small numbers of wild salmon caught in Scandinavia, Russia, …
Look After Your Catch: Considerations For Successful Fish Care
Fish care is one of the most important aspects of our sport and isn’t written about nearly enough as it should be! Gwent Angling Society has a conservation minded ethos and we actively encourage catch and release and good fish care practice. …
Atlantic Salmon Trust Video – The Gift – Part 3: Catch and Release
A great step-by-step instructional video showing how to play, handle and release an Atlantic Salmon. Dr. Ken Whelan explains the do’s and do not’s in this lovely collaborative piece by the Atlantic Salmon Trust, FishPal and Angling Trust, all for the benefit …
An Update on the Doethie In-River Sand Liming and Leader & Forestry Gully Liming Pilot Project
Summary This paper is an update on a project designed to assess the benefits of adding crushed limestone to ameliorate the effects of episodic acidification, exacerbated by historic conifer forest, on the Doethie tributary of the upper river Tywi in Carmarthenshire. This …
The Real Threat to Your Fishing
If you are an angler who fishes in Wales, whether occasionally or it is your main pastime, I have to tell you it is all under threat. This is not an idle threat but reality. Many groups, clubs and angling organisations have …
National Resources Wales – Ulcerative Dermal Necrosis and Other Skin Conditions of Wild Salmonids
Read the full paper via the below link: National Resources Wales – Ulcerative Dermal Necrosis and Other Skin Conditions of Wild Salmonids. …