Further Fishing Suspension on All Beats – Sun 7th August 2022
As our Usk and Wye beats are once again consistently exceeding 20C, and as we are set to experience even air temperatures as we move into the coming week, we have once again made the decision to suspend all fishing on these beats with immediate effect.
With water temperatures on our other rivers potentially lower, the levels are still horrendously low, so will not offer very good fishing. Likewise, with Talybont, fish will have likely gone deep, once again not offering the best opportunities. As such, and for simplicity, we are simply suspending all fishing on all waters.
As usual, we are monitoring, and please join me in thanking our bailiff team, who have been key in reporting water temperatures throughout these heatwave conditions.
We will continue to keep you updated as to the conditions and will be in touch again next weekend with further information.
If you have any queries, as always, please don’t hesitate to reach out.