Fly Fishing for Trout and Char in Iceland
This is an opportunity to fish several spectacular lakes in the low moorlands of southern Iceland for wild brown trout and arctic char.
Here the trout grow to over two kilos, the char to 2.5 kilos, and they are free-rising, often feeding at or close to the surface on hatching midges or falls of land-bred flies.
Each trip is for one week and in any one year, there are only six weeks available, from the last week in May to the first week of July.
You will be met at Keflavik (International) Airport and driven to the farm at Sel. There, accommodation is in a self-catering chalet from which can be seen the expanse of moor and water with the snow-capped, dormant volcano Hekla beyond. You will be taken to shops/supermarket to purchase food and drink for you to prepare when not sleeping or fishing! All bedding and towels are provided.
Note: Alcohol is expensive in Iceland, but you may purchase your quota of duty-free alcohol at Keflavik after you have landed and before clearing customs.
Each day you will be fully guided. That includes being picked up from the chalet and driven to fishing which will be one of several lakes. The guide will recommend flies, where to fish etc.
This part of Iceland has some fascinating wildlife and this will be pointed out to you. For instance, Iceland is the only part of Europe where the Great Northern Diver, Harlequin Duck and Barrow Goldeneye nest.
Every lake and river will have family parties of the Whooper Swan (that visits the British Isles in winter), and their whooping call echoes across the water. If you are lucky you may spot a Gyr Falcon chasing Ptarmigan over the heather moor. And as you rest on the chalet veranda with a glass of duty-free, the surrounding pastures will be alive with Snipe, Golden Plover, Redshank, Whimbrel and other potential fly-tying materials!
There Is also some spectacular scenery in the area, including the magnificent waterfall Gullfoss, the geyser and sulphurous springs at Geysir and the great glaciers in the mountains to the north. These may be visited as a break from fishing.
At the end of the week, on your way back to Keflavik, there will be time to visit the hot water of Blue Lagoon. In the surrounding countryside a mass of volcanic cinder you may notice the black-and-white Snow Buntings that are common here.
Tackle and Other Equipment
1. Though it can be warm in early summer in Iceland, it is subarctic, so be prepared with plenty of warm clothing, fleeces and wind-and waterproof jacket and hat.
2. The fishing is by wading, so you will need chest-high waders. Note that the wading is very easy on sand or gravel with only the occasional boulder. Those not happy about wading deep will find a weighted wading stick useful to act as a third leg.
3. A 9-foot rod rated #5-7WF floating fly lines will serve well. It is worth also bringing a 9-foot with a #7 sinker.
4. Flies: Iceland has a poor aquatic invertebrate community and so bottom foods (mostly snails) or small black flies (buzzers and adult midges) are dominant. When fish are moving at the surface, small black dry flies (sizes 12-16) or emergers (e.g. a black Suspender) or spider wet flies (e.g. Williams’s Favourite, Black & Peacock Spider) will all work. When the surface activity is sparse, go deeper with weighted nymphs and bugs. Even Boobies and small marabou lures have caught when the fish are feeding deep. Note that your guide may have an essential fly that you lack!
5. Both trout and char stocks are healthy enough for you to take fish to eat at the chalet or to freeze and take back home.
Important – All fishing tackle, including your waders, must be sterilised on entry into Iceland. You can arrange for this to be done by a vet at home (have them give you a certificate to that effect). They will charge £20-£30. If you arrive without such a certificate and are stopped at the airport, your tackle will be sterilised at a higher charge.
- For the week, from being picked up at Keflavik airport to being dropped off at Keflavik airport the costs are:
- For a party of two (minimum): £950 per person
- For a party of three:£790 per person
- For a party of four (maximum): £712 per person
This is a unique part of the fly-fishing world. Magnificent still water trout and char fishing amidst fabulous scenery and special wildlife! Highly recommended! – Malcolm Greenhalgh
Information and Bookings
- Skoli Kristinsson, Sel, 801, Selfoss, Iceland
- Telephone – 00354 4864463
- Email – fly@mi.is