Fishing on the River Sirhowy
The Sirhowy is a small river hidden deep in the Welsh valleys. This once industrial water is now a jewel of a South Wales small stream and in pristine health. Truly wild, this river boasts some magnificent wild brown trout. For a small stream there are surprisingly deep holding pools and root lined runs, which provide habitat for a healthy head of fish. Sirhowy trout are typically 8 to 12 inches long but can occasionally run to 2lb or more.
Our water consists of several miles on the upper river. Here the surroundings are rural, the river is framed by woodland and the steep valley sides above are clothed in vegetation and bracken. The river is very quick to clear after a spate, often fishable the day afterwards, when neighbouring larger rivers are still blown.
Surprisingly, the Sirhowy fishes well all year even in early spring, when it boasts a notable hatch of March Browns, with plenty of upwings and caddis as the seasons warms up. Late summer and autumn can also be an excellent time of year, especially after rain which encourages fish to move into our stretch from further downriver.
Small rods for confined spaces are a must during the summer (7ft to 8ft) with anglers able to get away with longer rods early season (8’6’’ to 9ft). Visitors are warned that this fishery can be taxing, so an appropriate level of fitness is required. The rewards, however, are well worth the hard work.